Is There an Academic Achievement Gap?
Earl Johnson, Principal, Matzanas High School, Diversity Committee member For years educational professionals have been trying to close the achievement gap. The achievement gap, which exists between Caucasians and African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics, Economically Disadvantaged and the Non-Economically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities and Students without Disabilities, and English Language Learners and Non-English Language learners. Through the years, there have been improvements; however, the achievement gap still exists. There have been several types of reforms put in place including the addition of preschool,There has been a slight change over the past 50 years; however, the achievement gap disparity still has educational professionals wondering how to mitigate that allusive gap. Before I continue, I would like to pose a question. If your doctor diagnosed you with a broken femur bone, and he prescribed over the counter aspirin, will the aspirin heal ...