
Showing posts from August, 2017

Cultivating Mindsets: How Might We…

Lauren Hobbs , Education Strategist, Dell EMC @laurhobbs Creativity isn’t something that is turned on and off like a light switch nor does it happen in a certain space during a scheduled “time”.  With a shift to more learner centered experiences, providing the opportunity to create not only empowers students, but helps build the skills students need to thrive in our world today.  Therefore, when defining success within the teaching and learning space we need to have a stronger focus on the process of learning. It is success throughout the learning process that truly creates meaningful opportunities for deeper understanding.   The chart above  clearly depicts what can happen if we shift our thoughts toward learning environments that foster creativity.  As a former educator and administrator in Pasco County, I had the opportunity to ask hundreds of Title I students “How do you learn the best?” Notice this question did not focus on the “what” but the “...