My Name Is Jessica, But I Could Be Any Student
My Name Is Jessica, But I Could Be Any Student By Myles Cooley, Ph.D., ABPP My name is Jessica, but it could be Raul, Dashieka, or Jonathan. I’m ten years old and in the fifth grade. I think I’m more than shy. I won’t raise my hand in class. I’m worried the teacher will call on me, so I don’t look at her. I hate it when I have to walk to the front of the class to give a report. Everyone’s looking at me. I hate to think what they’re thinking about me. When I give the report, my hands and voice are shaking. It seems like forever until I can go back to my seat. Actually, other kids seem to think I’m pretty smart. But when we go to lunch, recess, or PE, I don’t know what to say to them. They’re all joking around, and I’m totally quiet. When I think of something I could say, I think it might be stupid, so I don’t say anything. I wish my teachers understood how nervous I am. I wish they understood that my behavior means I might have social anxiety disorder. If they understood me, maybe...