Find The Light

By Andrew Marotta 

        These have been dark times for so many people. Over the past year of this pandemic, there have been many unprecedented challenges, and likely more dark times still ahead. As I sat writing in my attic the other day, I looked over and saw our beloved dog, Ruby, laying by the window. The bright morning sunshine was laying upon her. She does this quite often. She will find where the sun hits and go lay down in that spot. My grandmother used to do the same during the late afternoons in Staten Island, New York, where I grew up. She would move a small green bench around the house looking for the sunshine and take in the warmth and brightness of the sun.

        How can we do this during and beyond the pandemic? Find the light. How can we find the light in our own lives, as well as in the lives of those we serve? People do need help and are in dark places. What are some ways we can find the light together?

* First and foremost get outside. The spring is upon us and brighter and warmer times are ahead.

* Be like Ruby, use the windows to your advantage. Can you move your desk or living space to better maximize the light?

* Do you have a garden or some plants inside that can brighten your space? A little bit of money can go a very long way.

* Buy a gallon of paint and brighten up space in your life. You’ll be amazed at what a fresh coat of paint or some brightly colored art can do.

* Finally, spend your time with those who brighten your life and others’ lives as well. We can’t always choose who we spend our time with, but many times we can. Be around people who brighten the lives of others, who think positively, and don’t spew negativity. Some of these choices could be difficult but being in the lightness of others can help brighten your light as well.

        After losing our dog Baxter in 2019, Ruby has brought a lot of light to our family during a dark time. Even during her naps, she has found ways to inspire and brighten our lives by finding the light. Let me know if I can help support you in your journey of finding the light as well. Sometimes when you help others to find their light it will brighten yours as well. #SurviveThrive

Quote of the blog: “Success isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the difference you make in people’s lives.”

— Michelle Obama


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