A School is Only as Strong as its Community, and a Community is Only as Strong as its School!

  By: Adam Lane, Principal, Haines City High School

A school is only as strong as its community and a community is only as strong as its school!
I want to thank the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) Four Corners Woman's Club for having me as their guest speaker, but also for their dedication to community improvement, volunteer services, and supporting my high school students in need of clothing, hygiene products, and school supplies. https://gfwcfourcorners.org

There was always a need for basic school supplies on our campus, but the more we got to know our kids, the more we discovered the additional needs they have. The school staff and community clubs came together to make a positive impact. This initiative began by identifying the exact needs and then supplying the resources and materials necessary to meet those needs.

It’s all about students first. Your community school must serve as a home away from home and a support system, and part of that commitment is making sure all students have the essential materials needed to reach their full potential.

Reach out to your community clubs and organizations for school and student support.  They are there and willing to help, they just need an invitation and guidance on the next steps.

If I can ever be of assistance, meet me on the Leading Lane.
https://leadinglane.com & https://www.facebook.com/leadinglane

I appreciate you, believe in you, and thank you! – Adam Lane


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