Understanding the Pre-K to High School Student Journey
By: Adam Lane, Principal, Haines City High School
Hello from the staff and students at Another
Home Daycare and Learning Center, Brandon, FL. This amazing staff is committed
to the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of children between
the ages of 6 weeks to 5 years. As a current high school principal, there is
nothing I find more rewarding than visiting this daycare, its staff, and its students.
The experience of reading to the children, listening to their thoughts, and
providing engaging activities is priceless and provides me an understanding of
where the Early Learning development of the students begins to where their High
School development continues.
As an educator at the
high school level, we understand graduation requirements, state testing, and
preparing students for the workforce, military, or a post-secondary opportunities,
but it is also extremely important to understand the student’s stages of
development that come before high school. As a high school educator, I
encourage you to visit a middle school, elementary school, and a daycare/early
learning center. This is also valid vice versa, if you are an educator at an
early learning center or elementary school, I encourage you to visit a middle
school and high school. The more we as educational leaders understand
about the Pre-K to high school journey of a student, the more appreciative,
well-rounded, and impactful we become.
Never underestimate the
impact you can have on children of all ages, when reading a story to them,
creating excitement, engaging in conversation, and empowering them to take the
reader's chair for their own delivery of the story. Do not think there is not a
high school student out there who would not enjoy sitting down and having you
read to them, as much as these preschoolers enjoyed me reading Mickey’s
Clubhouse to them. Extra bonus, make sure you show them all the pictures on
each page and engage in a follow-up discussion about the story 😊! https://www.anotherhomedaycarecenter.com
If I can ever be of
assistance, meet me on the Leading Lane.
https://leadinglane.com & https://www.facebook.com/leadinglane
appreciate you, believe in you, and thank you! – Adam
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